Fibromyalgia purple ribbon butterfly charm macramé over leatherlike bracelet
Now you can raise awareness for Fibromyalgia and it’s debilitating effects with this purple ribbon butterfly bracelet.
If you’re in a fibro flare and cannot have anything touching your skin, you could always hang the bracelet up, for you and others to see, as a reminder that you are not alone….And that any little thing you are able to do is a wonderful accomplishment. It’s a win!
As debilitating as Fibromyalgia is, don’t give up! Awareness for Fibromyalgia is finally growing and so is the help, support, and resources available.
Your pain will not be wasted because God does not waste anything!
God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him, and for those who are called to His good purpose. Romans 8:28
God will restore the years the locust have eaten.- Joel 2:25-26
I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Don’t give up … you’re not alone!